Winx Club What Episode Does Daphne Turns Human Again

Dark Bloom




16 (Season 2)
17 (Season 9)
nineteen (Light Bloom)


Darkar (briefly)
Sky (love interest/boyfriend)
Stella Tecna Musa Flora Layla
Bloom (normal analogue)

Magical Abilities

Winx/Fairy magic turned dark
Winged Flying
Dragon Burn Cast dark spells (Flavor two)
Skillful Martial Creative person
Fairy Forms
Karate (Season ix)

Created by

The imitation Professor Avalon's
Dark Magical Energy casted by Lord Darkar'due south evil spell
Restoration of Balance (reborn)

Kickoff Appearance

"Shadows in Bloom"

Last Appearance

"Dark Light"

Dark Bloom is the dark personification/counterpart of sixteen-year-old Princess Bloom, which awakened within her with the clandestine aid of the faux Professor Avalon. in Season ii and Season 9: Son and Daughter of Heaven where Sky becomes her beloved boyfriend who decides to be with her counterpart instead of her.

She is technically Sky'due south second girlfriend but also the alternate counterpart of Bloom.

When fully taking over her counterpart'southward trunk and heed, information technology coverts her unusually strong Winx/Fairy magic to dark; similar to shadow magic wielded by witches of various magic levels.

In the Ninth Flavour of Winx she is revealed to inherit Normal'south Flower personality of caring kind and loving which was the result of Sky becoming the Fully Realized Mystical Primary upon defeating Valtor Dark Bloom mostly interacts with him through his dreams until she was brung into reality by the Dark Magical Energy flowing inside Flower herself.

This dark Winx/Fairy form appears in the Fate of the Phoenix special episode.

Night Bloom's Villainous actions were revealed to be the result imbalance between the Fifteen Twenty-four hour period War occurring and Sky'south inaccessibility these acts were reversed later on the Master restored balance the reestablishment removed her evil nature and therefore allowed her to inherit Bloom's characteristics.

After Heaven restored Balance equally the Mystical Master she is an Entity that lives inside Flower'south body and the Master'due south dreams according to Heaven who finds her equally attractive to normal Flower she is the delinquent side of Bloom rather than a evil counterpart of her.


    • ane.i Flavor ii
    • 1.2 Flavour 9: Son and Daughter of Sky
  • ii Appearance
  • three Personality
  • 4 Home
  • 5 Skills
    • 5.1 Martial Arts
    • 5.2 Karate
      • 5.2.1 Magical Abilities
  • 6 Relationships
  • seven Appealing Traits
  • eight Aureola
  • 9 Affection
  • 10 History
  • eleven Appearances
    • 11.1 Season 2
    • 11.2 Season 9: Son and Daughter of Sky
    • xi.3 Movies
  • 12 Forms
  • 13 Purpose
  • fourteen Habit
  • fifteen Command
    • 15.1 Partial Alter
    • xv.2 Phase 1
    • 15.3 Phase two
    • fifteen.4 Phase three
  • sixteen Trivia


Season ii

  • "Really, I've never felt better."
  • "You lot're the Pixie of Portals and Pathways. Shouldn't yous know where I'1000 going?"
  • "Nosotros're hither to steal the Codex."
  • "I'yard serious, too! You wanna tell me where the Codex is or do I accept to rip this place apart looking for it!?"
  • "Don't desire to or can't?"
  • "Whatever."
  • "You shrunk me!!?"
  • "Don't forget, Stella. I tin fight fire with fire."
  • "Why don't you fight!!?"
  • "Is it because I'm more than powerful than all five of you lot combined!!?"
  • "Become real, Layla! Come up on! Less talk and more than action!!"
  • "You got nothing! Ha! I gonna relish wiping the flooring with yous guys!!"
  • "Go and give this Codex piece to Lord Darkar!"
  • "Hmm."
  • "We ask for the power!"
  • "Information technology's time to give united states of america the Ultimate Power!!"

Season 9: Son and Daughter of Sky

  • "I hate fighting guys like yous, I owned this food that was stolen...Permit me leave and no one gets hurt." (Dark Bloom to five Thugs that stole her lunch)
  • "My Kicks volition knock those weapons out of your manus...You guys are so weak I don't even need magic." (Dark Flower confronting five Thugs)
  • "Yeah...the Sandwiches were stolen by those guys I just vanquish up, you wouldn't know It happened before you fell asleep." (Nighttime Bloom to Sky)
  • "I was Acting Evil considering...the Imbalance of your Globe with the absence of the Mystical Primary inverted my personality. Only I've inherited everything from Blossom spiritually thanks to the reconnection of the Spirit Globe and Earth..." (Nighttime Bloom explaining why she became like her equivalent)
  • "I remind y'all of Bloom? Oh Okay." (Night Flower to Sky after he pointed out her resemblance to her normal counterpart)
  • "I dearest beingness around you lot likewise, You're a slap-up guy...Only you wouldn't like me." (Night Blossom realizing Heaven has a girlfriend)
  • "But y'all have a girlfriend...I don't want to ruin your relationship. You shouldn't cheat on her with me..." (Dark Flower acknowledging Sky'south relationship)
  • "Y'all honey her likewise much Sky. I'one thousand not getting in between y'all and her...She loves y'all and I dear you also but I don't want to destroy your relationship just to be with me."
  • "Just You shouldn't be with me If you love her. Every bit much every bit I want to be with you...I don't desire to get in between you lot and Blossom."
  • "Sky. I l-love you too..." (Dark Bloom confesses her dearest for Sky)


Dark Bloom wears black colours that represents who she is and she has slightly dissimilar dress than her normal counterpart reflecting the opposite colour of herself is the colour of light white.

In Flavor 9, Dark Bloom wears a black leather jacket sandals and a white skirt with her pilus beingness the same shade of orangish as her other personification except when she spiritually starts inheriting her normal equivalent'southward clothing styles Dark Bloom wears a blackness short coat over an white wearing apparel layered with white decorative lines a black skirt with blackness heels.

Dark Bloom evolved afterwards becoming a pure counterpart of kindness into Light Flower who resembles normal Bloom'due south clothing only with a brighter shine she also wears pure white representing her angelic nature and abandoning the Darkness she harboured before which allowed her to become a Lite analogue to Normal Flower.

Dark Flower originally had xanthous eyes that resembled a cat's but they altered to purple after rest of the earth was restored and in the dream world they are seemingly black but in reality they are glowing majestic pupils through her counterpart's


The Imbalance on the World caused by a fifteen Day War and Bloom and her friend's hard time dealing with constant enemies that always surpass them created from Nighttime Magical Energy Blossom'southward Dark counterpart is initially evil cruel and loyal to Darkar the Spirit of Chaos who is a multi tentacled being with one center able to wing due to his Spiritual Energy can shape shift into another Spiritual Host such as a human or shift into a knightly personification of himself after Normal Bloom absorbed her Dark analogue which starts to live inside her she remained the same.

The Restoration of Remainder caused by the defeat of Valtor past the easily of Main Sky who had stopped Hakin's Comet in his Battle at the Land of Elements Dark Bloom inherited all of her normal counterpart's interests and characteristics spiritually she is kind supportive and loving exactly how her equivalent acts similar to Flower she falls in love with Sky who had a hard fourth dimension choosing between her and Bloom she understood why he chose Bloom over her although she as well saw Heaven'southward pain of never seeing her again.

Becoming Low-cal Blossom she inherits identical traits to her analogue but instead of being kind pushy and loving Light Flower is a perfect counterpart of her normal personification she never fabricated a fault or blamed anyone unlike her she has no reason to repent for Sky therefore afterward he reunited with her she finally overcomes the pain of his determination to be with her analogue forever.

The Darkness that she conceals within her is not making her Evil simply it seemingly gave her a Punky mental attitude whenever she was around in reality and interacting with her friends she is very sulky and has a dissimilar attitude for each girl notwithstanding she treats her counterpart almost similar a sisterly figure to Bloom taking the responsibleness to protect her when she is in danger or is profoundly stressed.


Dark Bloom lives deep within her other analogue'due south trunk and in Sky'due south dreams she seems to accept the ability to simultaneously be in both dreams and reality she can interact with Sky in his dreams and Blossom's besides if she ever barbarous comatose.

Dark Bloom can only come up out in the real world if Bloom really needs her when she takes over her counterpart Blossom wears the colours of her Night equivalent and in reality her kicks are enchanted with Fairy Magic making them more than effective than her human level kicks in Sky'southward dream however Acheron hands countered her attacks and defeated her with his newly developed Magical Spells.

When Bloom and Night Bloom are simultaneously existing in a dream or she comes out in the real globe they seem to feel the same thing any analogue is experiencing such every bit Sky kissing Dark Bloom's cheek Bloom felt that same touch on whatever pain is inflicted onto Flower Dark Flower feels the same affect this is the result of their connection to each other and how they are attached as one with two souls in a single trunk they are also able to talk to each other through thoughts instead of out loud in reality whereas in Dreams they speak to each other.


Martial Arts


Night Blossom subconsciously learnt Karate a Martial Arts after Sky became a Fully Realized Primary the residual resulted in her using Karate to defend herself and was shown numerous instances where her kicks tin can easily knock out an ordinary person she had a difficult time matching up to Sky'south Superior Multi Martial Arts that he alternates from Karate Taichi Ba Gua Hung Gar Kickboxing Taekwondo and Northern Shaolin Fighting Styles that defeated her with ease in a sparring match her Karate attacks consists of high middle low punches and depression high centre kicks that accept the impact of an ordinary human due to her Normal personification'due south powerless spells she as well is capable of grabbing an opponent into many Karate holds.

Magical Abilities

Casting - like her Normal personification she has the power to cast spells that was originally full of evil free energy although thanks to Heaven defeating Burn King Valtor and restoring Balance later on the Winx indirectly kept leaving an imbalance upon suffering losses from their enemies the aftereffect of Sky becoming a Fully Realized Principal reestablished the connectedness between Spirit World and Physical Earth this changed Dark Bloom'southward personality to spiritually inherit things from her normal personification initially she had a gravity enchantment spell however it was removed from the universe's timeline after Heaven restored residue to the Earth upon condign the Fully Realized Principal.

Fairy Forms - Similar to her analogue Dark Bloom tin utilise Magical Energy to transform into a specific Fairy Course and unlike Bloom is capable of switching in between Charmix Believix Cosmix Sirinix Butterflix and Tynix while her normal counterpart chose to switch in between Butterflix Sirinix and Cosmix aslope her friends equally they refuse to switch into Past Transformations.

Flight - Flapping her Wings Dark Flower tin can wing into the air although she mentioned that even with all her Winged Flight Sky is faster in speed while levitating with his Aircurving Flight which he accessed later letting go of all his concerns instead of sacrificing his earthly attachments and she admitted he was impressive.

Counterpart Link - Nighttime Blossom can contact her normal analogue telepathically or verbally by channeling a modest portion of her Magical Energy flowing within she isn't heard past other people and then Flower and Heaven are the only ones who hear her vocalization this is due to the fact that they share the same trunk.

Possession - Dark Bloom is capable of taking over Bloom's Torso from inside in order to protect her from danger and if she comes out while her analogue is already in a Transformation she will darken and alter the colours of that Fairy Form with her Dark Aureola although this however didn't allow Stella Musa Tecna Layla and Flora to hear her phonation inside her afterwards however they could at least see her when possessing Bloom.

Self-Preservation - Nighttime Bloom is quick to protect Bloom from any dangerous situations and will non let her die in a tragic event merely she isn't always precise as she didn't know how to defend her against Ogron'due south deadly magical ball

Precision - Dark Bloom has agile reflexes than her normal equivalent she is able to kick away Magical Enchantment balls if they have the free energy to kill her analogue and she performs karate kicks that always country on whatever target Dark Bloom has precise punches which land on the target she is as well quick to catch more than ane object without breaking them


Darkar - She was loyal to Darkar after first taking over Bloom's body with villainous motives this acquired her to boldness her friends and turn on them fifty-fifty putting Timmy.

Flower - during the Imbalance of Globe on their Magix she hated sharing bodies with Bloom and took over it to remain loyal to Darkar all the same later Sky had defeated Burn King Valtor and brought peace into the Globe thus restoring balance Night Bloom's evil personality was gone and she was reborn from the Spirit World as a Fairy who had inherited everything from her analogue everything in the Imbalance effect were forgotten therefore she willingly shared the torso with her normal analogue and risked her life to protect Flower from threats.

Sky - After he visited her in his dreams Dark Flower inherited her counterpart's amore for him thus she slowly vicious in love with Sky and he reincorporated her feelings until in the end Sky chose her normal analogue over her this saddened her securely and she was heartbroken however Dark Blossom understands why he loved Blossom so much.

Stella - Later taking over Flower's body Night Flower thinks the same way about Stella her normal counterpart would and remained bully friends although she puts a delinquent twist in their human relationship.

Musa - Dissimilar her analogue Dark Flower asks Musa for advice over her relationship with Sky and she secretly spies on the 2 spending their lone time together this didn't bother her much that she hadn't even gotten mad therefore she understood why Musa was curious similar to Sky Nighttime Bloom can be fed up by her attitude and discipline her for it

Tecna - Similar to her normal personification Dark Flower believes Tecna is a great inventor and technologist she supports her in the human relationship between her and Timmy preventing them from breaking up.

Layla - Unlike her Normal equivalent Nighttime Bloom treats Layla equally an Associate and was never close to her as Blossom was thus she never interacted with her personally.

Flora - Dark Bloom acts as a delinquent whenever she is near Flora different her counterpart she attempts to punish her Magical Essence infused plants that threaten to entrap or chomp on her similar to Helia she wants to enchant to Magical Free energy within it to teach it a lesson until she was convinced non to apart from minor situations. She cares for Flora in the same manner her counterpart does.

Timmy - While she was Loyal to Darkar Dark Flower enjoyed messing with him flipping him upside down with an enchantment although after balance was restored the occurrence disappeared and Dark Bloom was reborn as a friendly fairy inherited from her counterpart's influence thus she respected Timmy enough to consider him her friend.

Brandon - Dissimilar Flower she considers him a slap-up acquaintance and asks him for Love advice on her relationship with Sky later she inherited her counterpart'south relationship with Brandon seeing him as a shut friend

Helia - She shares a common dislike for chomping plants that can trap innocent people similar Helia and was convinced to not hurt Flora'due south Nature plants by her therefore dissimilar Helia Nighttime Bloom started to love plants similar to her counterpart.

Riven - She parallels how her counterpart acts towards Riven and Dark Bloom seems to dearest helping his relationship with Musa different Sky she doesn't continuously vanquish her until she learns her lesson

Nex - Different Blossom Dark Bloom actually understands Nex because they are similar in personality stubborn moody and are mischievous she is likewise incredibly close to him every bit a friend Dark Flower was amazed by Nex's Spirit Galaxy Argent capable of freezing time

Appealing Traits

Dark Bloom is incredibly and remarkably gorgeous unlike her normal analogue who receives respect and friendliness from everyone effectually her Dark Bloom has any men near her to instantly fall in love and crush on her she is fearfully sensitive of this and scared what it would cause her relationship with Heaven she is also worried he would retrieve she was cheating on him only he intervenes preserving their relationship.

Similar to Bloom she can tempt Sky to kiss her by cuddling most his torso and Co-ordinate to her counterpart Dark Bloom learnt from observing their relationship she is very loving of him and doesn't let anything bad happen to her ain and normal counterpart's boyfriend which is Sky she even took care of him in his dream later on they fought Acheron together but failed afterwards he insisted on going to battle him once again Night Blossom was agape of him existence hurt and tried to stop Sky through sweetness talking however he yet refused so she fought him all the same beingness inferior to his various Fighting Styles differing from but Karate his precipitous reflexes allowed him to dodge all her kicks and forced her to allow him go then she did reluctantly.

Apart from tempting Heaven Dark Flower attracts everyone to her in his dreams through her gorgeous trunk and he had to interpose in order to protect their human relationship.

Sometimes her Royal Aureola can concenter men to beat out on her and Sky had some occasions where he had wanted to kiss her because of the violet aura that looked and then sparkling and beautiful


Dark Bloom has a Dark Regal Aureola from the Dark Magical Energy swirling within her she is able to hogtie men to briefly autumn in beloved with her by expanding her Regal Aura and when she casts a spell an Aura of Darkness infuses into information technology enchanting its abilities her Magical Energy is somewhat potent and can perchance have out slightly more powerful opponents she is inferior to overly powerful opponents like Sky Nex Riyorvo or Acheron Dark Bloom lost to Acheron because of her level and needed the people close to stop them similar to Bloom

after she became Calorie-free Blossom she obtained a more than Whitish Celestial Aura that now surrounds her spells and her overall magical level is the same only different her previous state she shines a vivid light with her Aura instead of swirling with Dark Magical Energy

Dark Bloom can darken her counterpart'southward dress with her Aura and brand their colours pure black as Calorie-free Flower she brightens her counterpart's clothes's colours infusing them with a Magical smooth


While the Original personality of her doesn't feel for Heaven when balance reversed the events Dark Flower had inherited her affection for Sky from her normal counterpart she deeply cares for him and wouldn't bear seeing her lover in pain this was averted when Icy's enchantment altered her personality into an evil one only afterwards Heaven joined her evil side to attempt reverting her dorsum into the Dark analogue he securely loves she witnessed him beingness tortured by Trix she fought off the Witches and called their assault off Night Blossom slowly inverted to her affectionate self recalling the feelings she has for him the enchanted analogue kissed the Chief passionately afterwards he recovered Heaven realized she was slowly reverting to the girl he is in love with and Dark Blossom returned to her nature.

When Dark Bloom discovered Heaven'southward relationship with her counterpart she was heartbroken and wanted him to make her equivalent happy he remarked how much he wanted to exist with both of them Dark Flower is incredibly worried she didn't want Sky to crook on Bloom just for her but he insisted he was going to love both of them no matter what

Dark Blossom has a deep affection for Sky regardless even afterwards being enchanted by an evil spell she still loved him and did everything she could to protect her truthful honey within Night Bloom still hated seeing him injured.


Dark Bloom offset appeared in Flavor 2 every bit an Evil entity and was a servant to Darkar subsequently Sky restored balance with his curving powers her original personality had vanished instead of beingness an evil entity she was an moody shy analogue to Bloom and she remembered Heaven from their last meeting instead of urging to destroy him considering she had a balanced personality Night Bloom was comfortable in his presence therefore she fell for him and he reciprocated these feelings of dear for her thus the 2 always went everywhere together this all simply occurred in his dream merely somewhen he chose to beloved Bloom instead of her this left both of them heartbroken after their acknowledgement of how the human relationship could take lasted if he never met Bloom and this impacted him he remarks on how much he wanted to be with her and Bloom simultaneously after he comforted her Dark Bloom evolved into Calorie-free Bloom through understanding his reason for his final decision therefore Sky figured out a programme to love them both which fabricated him feel better now Night/Light Bloom is officially his 2d girlfriend

Nighttime Flower tin can be very protective of Flower she spiritually watches from insider her to see if she is in danger or stressed out to ensure her counterpart's safety she has protected her from deadly situations she battled Acheron who hands defeated her and when Blossom entered her dreams information technology is discovered that any happens to Flower Dark Blossom can feel it

In Season nine: Son and Daughter of Sky Dark Bloom's personality has been reborn she went through parallels from her counterpart and she had been the most helpful after Bloom was experiencing unsafe situations Night Blossom had only came out when her normal equivalent needs her Dark Magical Free energy to defend her she became the Squad's protective Spirit after becoming Light Blossom she still only came out of Bloom when she needed her


Season 2

  • Shadows in Bloom (showtime appearance)
  • Darkness and Light
  • Storming Shadowhaunt
  • The Ultimate Power Couple

Flavour nine: Son and Daughter of Heaven

  • Dark Fairy (in dream)
  • Darkness (in reality)
  • Evil Darkness (temporal villain)
  • Future Spirit User (mentioned)
  • Nighttime Calorie-free (final appearance/as Light Bloom)


  • Winx Society: Dark and Light Counterparts (starting time appearance in alternate timeline)
  • Winx Club: Flower's Nighttime Magic (concluding appearance in alternate timeline)


  • Original - When Nighttime Flower first possessed her normal counterpart she transformed Bloom into her beginning Fairy Form through the Dark Magical Energy and she retained her outfit until darkening the colours into a blackness version of the entire outfit her hair is waist length and the bright orangish shade remains the same her talocrural joint heels are blackness
  • Believix - Night Blossom wears a white skirt Magical Energy enchants Wings behind her forearms wear low-cal blue fingerless gloves around them and her hair resemble the normal personification of herself's signature bangs reaching knee-length a top partially covers her midriff with slight poufy shoulders pink middle shape/small-scale dark bluish heart gems inside the wings a nighttime blue heart on each hip that necktie a pair of purple bows in place a matching purple band become around the above of the layered ruffles that are blue on top pink on the lesser and her legs have sparkly articulatio genus length socks a purple ribbon wraps around in a higher place the pinkish heels that sport a white sole and blue toe area the outfit is slightly darkened with the form's regal ribbons being darker her Aura darkens the blueish skirt into a white 1 the colours are altered into a dark shade she first uses this transformation when Sky was in his dream Night Bloom uses information technology again to fight off Acheron who somehow was transported in the dream and failed
  • Enchantix - Dark Bloom never transformed into Enchantix unlike her counterpart and like to Bloom she never switched back to the form afterwards acknowledging its magical level
  • Cosmix - Nighttime Flower transforms into Cosmix to restore light to the Galaxies and stars just unlike Bloom it is non needed for her as she acknowledges its purpose whereas her counterpart uses its abilities for herself
  • Butterflix - Dark Bloom transforms into Butterflix multiple occasions she wears the same Fairy Outfit equally her counterpart when she does but even acknowledging its abilities and purpose Night Bloom remarks that Butterflix is her favourite form
  • Tynix - Nighttime Bloom is the but 1 that has switched back to Tynix non for its purpose but to employ information technology in reality to help her equivalent fight in battles she sometimes uses the form and mostly doesn't
  • Sirinix - Unlike her normal analogue Nighttime Bloom transforms into Sirinix in order to summon Magical Energy from water and outsmart her equivalent'due south enemies she barely uses this form
  • Crystal Sirinix - Night Bloom used the original Sirinix to remove Crystal Sirinix as her analogue's transformations and returned the Magical Crystals that gave her friends and her counterpart the enchanted Sirinix course into its rightful home reversing her equivalent's memories of the course equally well


Dark Bloom'south original Purpose was to serve Darkar and she didn't actually speak much aside from dissing her analogue'southward friends when she took over Bloom's trunk nevertheless this personality was inverted when Sky restored balance

Dark Flower's Purpose is nothing more than to protect and rescue Bloom whenever she is in mortal danger or her Magical Energy is fully depleted sometimes Night Bloom comes out when she is unconscious in order to save her body


Dark Bloom enjoys seducing men into having a crush on her even if she is indirectly doing so and she enjoys the attention of men hanging effectually her simply Night Bloom didn't find any of them every bit mannerly as Sky who attracted her the nigh

Nighttime Bloom seems to also dearest kicking first more than punching in shut combat she can outsmart her opponents with unexpected precise kicks and almost never punches she does dial but had mentioned that it'due south rare Dark Bloom enjoys subduing her enemies in weakened states with headlocks and other Karate holds


Dark Bloom'due south original personality was like to Darkar and possessed Blossom'due south body immediately Sky restoring Balance vastly removed this nature she inherited more from her counterpart Night Bloom hides living inside her equivalent the only way she can possess her normal personification is if she came out of her and when unleashed Nighttime Blossom alters her analogue's appearance the Dark Magical Energy takes over and her clothes become greatly affected simply she has to go through phases to slowly alter her equivalent

Fractional Change

Nighttime Bloom can transfer her Dark Magical Energy coming out slightly to heal her analogue and she tin can come out partially when her equivalent is in bang-up danger Dark Bloom kicked abroad a Magical Exploding Brawl deflected away from Flower she also caught flying objects before concealing herself in her counterpart

Phase 1

The Original Dark Bloom had xanthous eyes appear and her counterpart's clothes were unaffected until she casts a spell to modify her clothing's colours and slightly alters the advent

Dark Bloom's purple eyes will appear underneath her normal personification'south pupils and her wearing apparel volition remain unaffected she is able to access the Spells of her equivalent to bandage or enchant her physical fighting skill Karate in her favour she tin access whatever her counterpart has the Spells'south Aura will be unaltered

Phase 2

Original Dark Bloom altered her equivalent's vesture through a spell and the enchantment darkened the colours

Nighttime Bloom'due south Night Energy will slowly alter her personification'due south clothes the colours would slightly darken and she becomes more apparent her spells will beginning to be surrounded by an Dark Essence the colours of her counterpart volition be shaded darker

Phase 3

Dark Bloom's black colours volition alter her equivalent's blue pinkish purplish colour patterns on all her transformation outfits and her Energy will extend fully this allows her to take full control over her counterpart's Spells

if Dark Bloom's normal personification is unconscious she can skip the two phases and come out every bit Phase 3 this volition leave her counterpart vulnerable but she will be able to deport her unconscious equivalent with her Nighttime Magical Energy

Dark Bloom'due south Dark Purple Aura volition be apparent and she can enchant her analogue'southward friends with her Magical Energy to enchant their abilities if a normal fairy gets casted past Dark Magical Energy their magical spells are enchanted further this volition besides strengthen their magical abilities


Sky was the only one able to approach Nighttime Bloom in the finale of Flavor 2 Darkar's Gravity Spell no longer exists as a defensive spell due to him defeating Valtor which caused the imbalance of the World to restore its residuum which consequently reversed the events of Season 2 which acquired Darkar to reveal his True Form and lose the Gravitational Enchantment resulting in Dark Blossom rearrange her memories into those relating to the Spirit Earth she was reborn as a runaway counterpart paralleling Flower's personality inside the aforementioned timeline and the Winx had no recollection over the event as it never happened then the balance hadn't reversed all events most incidents with them notwithstanding occurred although their memories of Dark Flower are inverted to the start time seeing her similar to their memories of Darkar.

Logically, Dark Bloom is Sky'south second girlfriend. still she remembers Sky despite the event with the Codex never taking place this was about probable the result of the residual he restored thus Dark Flower either knows him considering of the reversed event or she inherited memories from Bloom'southward times with Sky...Scientifically Dark Bloom is the same girlfriend Sky knows who is Blossom although an delinquent analogue still she was reborn from inside Bloom and of the Spirit World therefore Nighttime Bloom is a different entity living within her counterpart'southward body which makes her Heaven'southward second girlfriend.

When Bloom died Dark Bloom had passed abroad with her this is considering they are controlling one body and both being two unlike souls attaches them together which volition cause them to experience the same things beingness counterparts Brandon's Telekinesis revived Bloom which reawakened Dark Bloom within the Fairy sometimes their connections signals outside of dreams and in reality without summoning her or they are separated in the real world Sky witnessed Flower crying in reality while Nighttime Bloom was crying in his dream he noticed they were simultaneously experiencing one emotion.

Fifty-fifty with beingness enchanted into the Evil side Dark Bloom turned against her Evil Team to save Sky and had the same amore for him she even took intendance of him in a bed after he joined their side as an strategy for him to revert Evil Dark Bloom into her loving self not for malicious intent.

Her name represents sulkiness and not Cruelty Dark Blossom's original personality was in fact Evil but that nature was inverted into a personality more like Bloom's kind hearted supportive and unlike her counterpart subsequently Heaven restored balance into the World by defeating Fire King Valtor who was the source of multiple imbalanced events she is emotional similar to Heaven who was fierce later on he was enraged.


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